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Our brand values

Our commitment to metrology and surface inspection
puts us at the state-of-the-art technology
and pushes us to develop high-performance products.

Sensofar Brand Values: Accessibility

We strive to provide an excellent brand experience at all times. Part of our character is facilitating easy and open communication.

Sensofar Brand Values: Expertise

We share our expertise so that customers can get the most out of our products.

Sensofar Brand Values: Flexibility

Combine versatile hardware with customizable software to provide the solutions required by our unique customers.

Sensofar Brand Values: Reliability

We work hard to ensure that our systems provide reliable data that meets the highest quality standards.

Our brand assets

In an effort to maintain a more cohesive brand, Sensofar has prepared a variety of resources that will assist our partners and customers. Here you’ll find an overview of the visual elements that make up the Sensofar brand and a Guideline to apply them correctly.

Take a look, download, and use them!

New logo and tagline

“Sensofar must retain its established values and scientific heritage, but at the same time, the branding needed to develop to reflect the growth and maturity of the company. We feel it’s important to let people know what Sensofar stands for and our new tagline ‘Lighting Up Your Quality’ signifies our commitment to metrology and reflects how the company improves the quality processes of our users.”