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Webinars & talks

Why an optical profiler is crucial for Paleontology & Archaeology discovery

David Páez
BSc in Engineering Physics, MSc in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Senior Product Specialist at Sensofar Metrology | Other articles

David studied his bachelor’s degree at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), where he started to work as a Research Assistant in the Department of Physics. Once he finished his master’s degree at the University of Barcelona (UB) he entered into the world of optical metrology joining Sensofar. As a Sales Specialist, he communicates Sensofar’s knowledge about optical metrology and trains our customers on how to extract the full potential of our systems. If you need him, he’ll probably be in our demo room measuring samples or performing live demonstrations.

Webinar: Optical profiler for Paleontology & Archaeology

How can an optical profiler help to discover the diets of extinct species?

And how did our ancient ancestors use tools in the Stone Age?

These and other questions will be answered during this session, in which we will be covering the Sensofar solutions for archaeology, paleontology, and related fields of science.

Several applications will be presented such as the use of scale-sensitive fractal analysis in microwear studies, showing the advantages of our 4-in-1 technology.

We want to show you how we helped make this amazing science easier, faster, and more reliable.


  Advantages of 3D optical profilometry for microwear studies

  Make the most of software solutions for Paleontology & Archaeology specific samples analysis

  Choosing the appropriate technology for your measurements

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