Discover any geometric deviation ortolerance limit of your measured part.

Automatic Measurement Recipes
Five Axis measurement recipes allow you, the user, to capture the entire surface area in order to measure critical dimensions (angles, radius, contour), along with surface finish acording to ISO 25178 (form and roughness) and volume. Automated measurement routines can be executed for batch processing of parts for QA/QC applications with SensoFIVE.

Areal surface texture parameters
SensoFIVE is compliant with several ISOs. A complete selection of ISO 3D areal surface texture parameters is available: height, spatial, hybrid, functional and volumetric parameters.

Geomagic® Control X
Geomagic Control X is a comprehensive metrology software platform that delivers the industry’s most powerful tools within straightforward workflows. With Geomagic Control X, quality managers are enabled with revolutionary ease-of-use, intuitive, comprehensive controls and traceable, repeatable workflows for the quality measurement process. Its fast, precise, information-rich reporting and analysis enable significant productivity and quality gains in any manufacturing workflow.

Powerful Analysis Software
SensoVIEW is an ideal software for a broad range of analysis tasks. It includes a comprehensive suite of tools for preliminary examination and analysis of 3D or 2D measurements, allowing roughness or volume calculations and measuring critical dimensions (angles, distances, diameters) with a set of analysis tools.

Rapid Quality Control
It has never been so easy to perform rapid quality control in a production line. Thanks to SensoPRO, a production line operator only needs to load the sample and follow guided instructions to get a pass/fail report. Plug-in-based data analysis algorithms provide a high degree of flexibility. New modules can be easily customized to other industry needs.

Advanced Analysis Software
SensoMAP, based on Mountains technology from Digital Surf, is an extremely powerful tool for analysis and reporting. SensoMAP software is completely modularly adaptable to customer requirements. Two levels (standard and premium) and several modules are available.