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Optische Metrologie

Printing of silver conductive lines through laser-induced forward transfer

Optische Metrologie
F&E-Techniker, BSc in Physik, MSc in Photonik at Sensofar Metrology

Pol stieß im Rahmen des Praktikums für seinen Bachelor zu Sensofar. Seither ist er in der F&E-Abteilung tätig. Er prüft die messtechnische Leistung der Systeme von Sensofar, entwickelt neue Algorithmen für optische Techniken und verbessert die bestehende Technologien. Derzeit promoviert er an der Polytechnischen Universität von Katalonien (UPC) in Zusammenarbeit mit Sensofar über ultraschnelle optische Sensoren für die Oberflächenmesstechnik. Seine Hauptforschungsinteressen sind optisches Design und optische Metrologie.

Printing of silver conductive lines through laser-induced forward transfer full article
C.Florian1, F.Caballero-Lucas1, J.M.Fernández-Pradas1, S.Ogier2, L.Winchester2, D.Karnakis3, R.Geremia3, R.Artigas4, P.Serra1
1Universitat de Barcelona, Departament de Física Aplicada i Òptica, IN2UB, Martí i Franquès 1, E-08028, Barcelona, Spain
2Centre for Process and Innovation Ltd, The Wilton Centre, TS10 4RF, Cleveland, United Kingdom
3Oxford Lasers Ltd, Unit 8 Moorbrook Park, OX11 7HP, Didcot, United Kingdom
4Sensofar-Tech, S.L. (Spain)
Applied Surface Science,
Volume 374, 30 June 2016, Pages 265-270


The generation of conductive lines from liquid inks through laser-induced forward transfer (LIFT) is achieved by printing a sequence of overlapping droplets. This procedure, however, is not free from drawbacks: the formation of continuous lines is often accompanied with undesired scalloping or bulging. In this work we present an innovative method consisting in the deposition of conductive ink through LIFT inside fluidic guides produced by laser ablation. The aim of the approach is that the guides confine the liquid within them so that the most common defects can be prevented. The production of guides through laser ablation followed by LIFT of ink inside them has proved that it is possible to find conditions in which the total confinement of liquid within the guides is achieved with good uniformity all along the line. This proves the feasibility of the proposed approach for printing continuous lines free from scalloping and bulging with excellent definition.

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