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Optische Metrologie

Stent optical inspection system calibration and performance

Optische Metrologie
R&D Engineering Manager, Doktor in Optik, MSc in Photonik at Sensofar Metrology

Carlos beschäftigt sich bei Sensofar seit 2010 mit der Entwicklung von Konfokal-, Interferometrie- und Fokusvariationstechnologien, seit 2018 hat er die Position des R&D Engineering Manager inne. Seine Interessen sind optomechanisches Systemdesign und Bildverarbeitung.
Fundierte Forschungsarbeit im Bereich der optischen Technik verleiht der Sensofar F&E-Gruppe eine herausragende Position, um in Bezug auf Innovation und höchstes technologisches Niveau immer auf dem neuesten Stand zu bleiben.

Stent optical inspection system calibration and performance full article
C. Bermudez,1,2 F. Laguarta,1 C. Cadevall,1,2 A. Matilla,2 S. Ibañez,3 and R. Artigas1,2
1Center for Sensors, Instruments and Systems Development (CD6), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) Rambla Sant Nebridi, 10, E-08222 Terrassa, Spain.
2Sensofar-Tech, S.L., (Spain)
3Sensofar-Medical, S.L., (Spain)
Applied Optics Vol. 56, Issue 9,pp. D134-D141 (2017)


Implantable medical devices, such as stents, have to be inspected 100% so no defective ones are implanted into a human body. In this paper, a novel optical stent inspection system is presented. By the combination of a high numerical aperture microscope, a triple illumination system, a rotational stage, and a CMOS camera, unrolled sections of the outer and inner surfaces of the stent are obtained with high resolution at high speed with a line-scan approach. In this paper, a comparison between the conventional microscope image formation and this new approach is shown. A calibration process and the investigation of the error sources that lead to inaccuracies of the critical dimension measurements are presented.


Carlos Bermudez, Ferran Laguarta, Cristina CadevallAitor Matilla, Sergi Ibañez, and Roger Artigas. Optical stent inspection of surface texture and coating thickness, Proc. SPIE 10110, Photonic Instrumentation Engineering IV, 1011007 (20 February 2017)

Carlos Bermudez, Ferran Laguarta, Cristina Cadevall, Aitor Matilla, Sergi Ibañez and Roger Artigas. Novel Stent Optical Inspection System, 2016, Applied Industrial Optics: Spectroscopy, Imaging and Metrology, Paper# AITh2B.3

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