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Optical Metrology

3D shape and texture measurements on the micro and nano-scales using a new dual-technology optical sensor head

Optical Metrology
社長兼CTO、物理学博士(光工学) at Sensofar Metrology | Other articles

光学式表面測定の分野において複数の特許を保持。\nISO 25178の技術委員。\n2001年にSensofarを共同創設。\n1997年よりCentre for Sensors, Instruments and Systems Development (CD6)の光学エンジニア研究員を務める(現任)。2005年よりSensofarの装置開発に適用されるISO25178規格のTG WG16委員を務める(現任)。Sensofar Tech SL社長兼CTO(現任)。\n

3D shape and texture measurements on the micro and nano-scales using a new dual-technology optical sensor head full article
Roger Artigas1, F. Laguarta1, C. Cadevall1, M. Novella1, F. Rominski1, A. Wójt1
1Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) Rambla Sant Nebridi, 10, E-08222 Terrassa, Spain.
January 2004, VDI-Berichte


New material applications and novel manufacturing processes are driving a systematic rise in market demands concerning surface inspection methods and the performance of non-contact profilers. However, analysis of the specifications and application notes of commercial optical profilers shows that no single system is able to offer all the features a general purpose user would like simultaneously. In this paper we introduce a new dual-technology (confocal & interferometer) illumination hardware setup. With this new sensor head it is possible to choose between standard microscope imaging, confocal imaging, confocal profiling, Phase Shift interferometers and white light interferometry, by simply placing the right objective on the revolving nosepiece.

Shape measurements on structured surfacesDual-technology optical sensor head