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Optical metrology

Optimisation of Imaging Confocal Microscopy for Topography Measurements of Metal Additive Surfaces

Optical metrology
研发工程经理,光学工程博士,光子学硕士 at Sensofar Metrology

Carlos 自 2010 年起开始在 Sensofar 参与开发共聚焦、干涉测量和多焦面叠加技术,自 2018 年起担任研发工程经理一职。他的研究领域是光机系统设计和图像处理。
他在光学工程方面的综合研究工作帮助 Sensofar 研发团队在创新和最高技术水平方面始终保持领先地位。

总裁兼首席技术官,物理学博士(光学工程) at Sensofar Metrology

Roger 拥有光学表面形貌测量领域的多项专利。\n他还是 ISO 25178 技术委员会成员。\n2001 年成为 Sensofar 的联合创始人。\n自 1997 年至今,Roger 一直在传感器、仪器和系统开发中心 (CD6) 工作,担任光学工程师研究员。Roger 从 2005 年至今一直是 ISO25178 标准 TG WG16 委员会成员,该标准被广泛用于 Sensofar 开发设备的相关领域。他目前任 Sensofar Tech SL 的总裁兼首席技术官。\n

Optimisation of Imaging Confocal Microscopy for Topography Measurements of Metal Additive Surfaces
Lewis Newton, Aditi Thanki, Carlos Bermudez, Roger Artigas, Adam Thompson, Han Haitjema and Richard Leach


Additive manufactured surfaces, especially metal powder bed fusion surfaces, present unique challenges for measurement because of their complex topographies. To address these measurement challenges, optimisation of the measurement process is required. Using a statistical approach, sensitivity analyses were performed on measurement settings found on a commercial programmable array scanning confocal microscope. The instrument measurement process parameters were compared by their effects on three quality indicators: the areal surface texture parameter Sa, measurement noise, and number of non-measured points. An analysis was performed using a full factorial design of experiments for both the top and side surfaces of test surfaces made from Inconel 718 and Ti-6Al-4V using powder bed fusion. The results indicated that measurements of metal additive surfaces are robust to changes in the measurement control parameters for Sa, with variations within 5% of the mean parameter value for the same objective, surface, and measured area. The number of non-measured points and the measurement noise were more varied and were affected by the choice of measurement control parameters, but such changes could be predicted by the statistical models. The contribution offered by this work is an increased understanding of imaging confocal microscopy measurement of metal additive surfaces, along with the establishment of good practice guidance for measurements.

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