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Sensofar Wins Photonics Spectra’s 2004 Circle of Excellence Award

Metrology, テクノロジー, ニュース, 製品
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Sensofar-Tech, SL was honored with the Photonics Circle of Excellence Award 2004, which is given only to «the most technically innovative products of the year». The award ceremony was held on January 24, 2005, at the Fairmont Hotel in San Jose, CA, during 2005 Photonics West.

Sensofar was recognized for its innovative PLµ 2300: Optical Imaging Profiler, whose patented technology consists of a Dual-Technology sensor head that combines both confocal and interferometry techniques for non-contact measurement of the micro- and nano-geometry of technical surfaces

The use of microdisplay technology and high power LED illumination in the Optical Imaging Profiler PLµ 2300 results in a significant breakthrough in non-contact optical profiling. The system embodyies a perfect combination of confocal microscopy, phase shift interferometry and vertical scanning interferometry in the same instrument, and provides a complete solution for a wide range of applications, such as: high aspect ratios and steep samples (MEMS), low reflective and rough surfaces (paper), nano-roughness and nano-features on dissimilar material samples (semiconductor industry) or high local slopes on optically smooth and low reflective surfaces (micro-optics), etc …


The product outperforms all existing systems due to a unique combination of innovative technologies. In addition, it has a compact and robust design, making the PLµ 2300 a complete tool that is ideal for obtaining a fast, non-invasive assessment of the micro- and nano-geometry of technical surfaces in multiple configurations: from a standard setup for R&D and quality inspection laboratories to a manipulator or robot driven system for in-line process control and OEM applications.

«We are very honored to have been selected for this award. We understand the award as recognition of our continuous innovation effort,» said Ferran Laguarta, president of Sensofar. «The 2004 Photonics Circle of Excellence Award also confirms our position in the market and it will help us to reach the 30% market share of general purpose optical profilers.»