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Case study, カテゴリーなし, マイクロ製造, 付加製造, 先進製造
セールスサポートスペシャリスト、光学物理学理学士、ナノサイエンス・ナノテクノロジー理学修士 at Sensofar Metrology | Other articles


Sensofar 3Dプロフィロメータを使用すると、付加製造プロセスにおけるたった1つのパラメータにより、製造サンプルの形状がどのように変化するのか特徴付けることができます。また、固有の粗さパラメータを特定することで、異なる角度で印刷された表面を定量的に区別することができます。




S wideを使用して、これら2つのサンプルと参照サンプルを測定し、3D比較ソフトウェアで比較しました。






In Figure 2, we can see the difference between one sample and the other, highlighting some of the critical points. We can also select a cross-section and analyze how the profile gets modified in each sample. The next step would be to go back to the manufacturing process and adjust the parameters so that the output is always what we expect.

STUDY 2. Surface texture changes as a function of printing angle

Surface texture of manufactured parts can be crucial to their functional performance. Therefore, understanding how the different variables in the additive manufacturing process can affect the different surface texture parameters is a hot research topic.

For this second case study, we manufactured different units of another test specimen (a square of 1 cm x 1 cm, 2-mm thick) but changing the printing angle. This is a common test among manufacturers and researchers that use additive manufacturing to understand the performance of their machine in these situations.

We measured surface texture on several locations of the different samples using our S neox 3D optical profilometer and positioning the samples perpendicular with respect to the optical axis. The measurements were then filtered according to ISO 25178 using the same nesting indexes to ensure meaningful comparison and finally compared using SensoPRO software to determine which parameters differentiate each group of measurements.



On our first study, we were able to characterize how one single parameter from the additive manufacturing process can change the form of the produced sample. On the second one, we were also able to distinguish quantitatively samples printed at different angles through the identification of the characteristic surface texture parameters.

The S wide system, with Fringe Projection technology, was used for form measurements while the S neox was used for surface roughness measurement. In the case of the S neox, Ai Focus Variation technology was chosen to be the proper technique for the measurement of micron-level roughness because of its speed and HDR mode. However, Confocal and Interferometry technologies (also included in the same system) are being used to characterize a wide range of additive manufacturing parts, from as-built surfaces to smooth post-processed surfaces. The versatility of the S neox has been proven to be very useful thanks to the integration of different optical metrology technologies in the same system.

[1] A. Townsend, N. Senin, L. Blunt, R.K.Leach, J.S.Taylor, “Surface texture metrology for metal additive manufacturing: a review”, Precision Engineering, Volume 46, 2016, Pages 34-47

[2] Bourel, D.I., Marcus, H.L., Barlow, J.W. and Beaman, J.J.(1992), “Selective laser sintering of metal andceramics”, Int. J. Powder Met., Vol. 28 No. 4,pp.369-81

[3] Grimm T, Wior G, Witt G. “Characterization of typical surface effects inadditive manufacturing with confocal microscopy”.Surf Topogr: Metrol Prop2015;3:014001

